WordPress is a popular website builder due to its many customization options, themes and no-code features. But if you are not technically savvy and looking for a simple website-building tool that is easy to use and maintain, WordPress may not be the best or safest choice.

Designers, developers and tech experts often choose and recommend WordPress because they are able to create custom websites on it with little to no code, which saves them time and resources. It also provides a CMS (content management system) for their clients that they can upsell at a premium price. But beneath it all is a catacomb of endless customization options, complex configurations, a huge learning curve and of course the infamous security vulnerabilities due to plugins and widgets. If you're thinking of creating your own website or if you're currently stuck with an outdated WordPress website here are some extremely important things to be aware of.

Security and Maintenance Concerns

On March 21, 2024, WordPress announced that over 39,000 websites built on its platform had been compromised due to Malware. Unfortunately, this is an extremely common occurrence.

WordPress is famously susceptible to hackers, malware and other vulnerabilities because of it's open-source nature and how its plugins and widgets work.

A recent surge in WordPress site infections impacted by the Sign1 malware campaign, highlights the platform's vulnerability to security threats. The malware used legitimate plugins for injection showing how difficult it is to prevent such attacks. Site owners without technical backgrounds may find it impossible to implement the necessary security measures, such as regular WordPress Core framework updates, plugin and widget installations and updates and other measures to secure their sites.

Privacy and Data Concerns

It was released that WordPress is planning to sell user data to AI platforms including Midjourney and OpenAI. This means even your private posts and website content can be used for tools like ChatGPT. This affects both WordPress and Tumblr who are both owned by parent company Automatic. An internal blunder disclosed by Tumblr's product manager, Cyle Gage, revealed an improperly broad data collection, including private and sensitive content, raising concerns over privacy and data handling standards. Another reason why you should think twice about using WordPress and the privacy goals of the website building platform you use.

Lack of support and integrations

There are many other reasons why WordPress has been declining trust, quality and popularity in recent times and unfortunately the list keeps growing.  

  • End of WordPress to X auto-sharing - WordPress has announced that it will no longer support X (Twitter integrations) and auto-sharing due to it's high API price.
  • Super slow load times and page speeds - Most WordPress websites are painfully slow as shown in a speed test of thousands of popular WordPress sites. This can really hurts SEO and punishes your website in search engine rankings.
  • Lack of customer support - Because most WP sites are built using 3rd party themes you are reliant on the theme creator to offer support which in many cases is lacking or non-existent.
  • Uncertain quality - Because WordPress is an open-source volunteer-based project, premium themes are independently sold, no regulation of design quality exists making it hard to determine whether themes meet high aesthetic, functional and accessibility standards.

Simpler, Safer Alternatives

On the other hand, many WordPress agencies and other no-code builders that are not open source often lock you into an expensive maintenance plan in order to keep your site safe.

So what can you do?

Look for a website builder that offers a simple feature set with built-in hosting on a secure platform that doesn't require plugins and widgets to operate. If you are looking to establish an online presence or move your existing WordPress site to another platform without delving into the technicalities of web development or security then Siimple is a great choice. This site builder was created with ease-of-use, security and affordability in mind.

Choosing a website builder that offers a simple feature set with built-in hosting on a secure platform that doesn't require plugins or widgets to operate is your best bet.

Here are some of the things that our Siimple sites offer that you should consider when comparing WordPress alternatives or looking for a great website-building tool

Siimple Website Builder
  • Stunning, professionally designed themes - So you don't have to spend hours tweaking a design or hiring a designer.
  • Built-in web hosting - Included in your subscription so you don't have to purchase expensive hosting and fuss with configuring it.
  • Theme-sharing -  The only site builder that allows you to purchase any theme you want and use it across any other site you make!
  • Theme-swapping - Don't like you theme anymore? That's okay, you can try out another one with your content already loaded into it and see if you like it!
  • Custom domains - You can use a free domain on .siimple or you can purchase your own domain such as yourname.com right from our platform!
  • Web analytics. - See exactly who is visiting your site, from where and what they are engaging with!
  • Contact form - Display a simple and secure contact form so your visitors can send you messages.
  • Fully responsive - Your site will look perfect on all devices it's viewed on right out of the box - you don't have to do a thing!
  • One-page sites - You can build an impressive one-page site or landing page with linked sections (Siimple currently does not offer a multi-page site or blogging option).
  • Mobile editing - One of the only site builders that allows you to fully create and edit your site from your mobile phone.
  • Version history - Don't be afraid to make changes and experiment! We make sure that you can always roll back to another version so none of your changes are ever lost!
  • Automatic theme updates - When a new theme design or site improvement becomes available we securely update it for you automatically.
  • Automatic backups - Never worry about downtime or losing your site, we got you fully backed up and covered.
  • Does not sell user data - We don't supply any data to 3rd parties or use it to train AI.
  • Accessibility built right in - Our designs are tested and regulated for accessibility. From the color palette and fonts to the style and functionality, it's hard to mess up!